Diamant's diary. đź“”

A place when I can write whatever I want

In the world of Dulmis, lived an Archmage, Noemm. Noemm is a young elf of 300 years old who resides in her peaceful manor surrounded by all her grimoires stored in her library. One fine morning, a magical mirror, which serves as an information transmitter, informs Noemm of an imminent danger that could plunge the world into darkness: the legendary scroll with sacred power has just been used by what seems to be a ruler of one of the three regions of Dulmis. This ruler is known for treating his people as mere subjects and is obsessed with glory and wealth. Having the power of the scroll would allow him to dominate the other two regions almost instantly, as it grants immortality, immunity to pain, and colossal power.

Seeing this disaster unfold, Noemm decides to search her library for the sacred grimoire: the Grimoire of Seal Reversal. This grimoire has the ability to reverse the power induced by scrolls. She then begins to scour her vast library from top to bottom to find this famous grimoire that would allow her to save the world and continue her peaceful life. However, Noemm cannot find the grimoire. This is due to a strange curse that caused the ink of her grimoires’ writings to dissipate. Without text in the grimoires, they are unusable. Noemm is utterly lost and realizes that she may not be able to save the world.

Meanwhile, in the attic of the manor lies an old, dusty grimoire, also affected by the curse of vaporized text. This grimoire is quite special as it is the very Grimoire of Seal Reversal. It was banned from the lands of Dulmis 500 years ago due to its extreme and unique power, which allows reversing any type of curse or blessing on a person. With the commotion caused by Noemm in the library, a vial near the book fell from its table and spilled its contents at the base of the grimoire. This vial contained a liquid with a strange power that animates any object it touches, granting it consciousness, but only for a limited time.

The grimoire is tickled by the spreading liquid, giving it consciousness and the ability to move. Meanwhile, Noemm leaves the manor running, shouting, “I must quickly see my master, it's a catastrophe, the world is in danger.” The temporary consciousness of the grimoire, hearing Noemm, understands that it could be of use. However, as it prepares to fly to join Noemm, it realizes it feels “empty,” as if its content were not written in black ink. To verify this, it decides to find a mirror, which confirms its suspicions; beyond the engraved cover page, the grimoire’s content is blank. Fortunately, even though the text had dissipated, the pure content of the grimoire was etched into its memory, so it knew its function and how to be used. But for that, it needed to find a way to communicate with the elf who had hurriedly left to see her master, and quickly, before the effects of the broken vial dissipated.

Its power, beyond consciousness and movement, endowed it with vision and hearing induced by the magical flux emitted by every object and being in this world. At first, it tries to navigate the manor to find the library, which it succeeds in locating. However, the library door is closed, and it cannot open it with its basic movements. It senses that within the library, one of the grimoires enables objects to speak. To open the door, the grimoire has no other option but to find a way to acquire a hand or something that could turn the doorknob. Thus, it explores the manor for something that could assist, but in vain. It then returns to the attic where it started. Feeling its powers beginning to wane and perceiving magic less clearly, it decides to head quickly toward the faint magic it could still sense, hoping it was the remaining liquid granting its powers. Mid-flight, it loses its abilities, but thanks to gravity and the momentum it had accumulated, it manages to dive back into the liquid just in time. After a brief moment, it decides to fully immerse itself in the liquid to maximize its powers and better detect mana fluxes.

The grimoire then detects a weak mana flux from a telekinesis grimoire, which could enable opening the door by thought. It heads to the attic corner where the dusty grimoire resides, preventing its mana flux from dispersing. Using the gap between its cover and content, it manages to open the grimoire, revealing pages with translucent ink, not entirely transparent, as if the curse had not fully affected it. The ink inscribed in the grimoire releases an enormous mana flux that pours into the conscious grimoire, granting it the power of telekinesis. Without delay, it hurries to the library door and opens it with its freshly acquired power.

Once inside the library, the grimoire rushes to another grimoire that grants objects the ability to speak. This time, it uses its telekinetic power to retrieve and open the required grimoire. However, like itself, this grimoire contains no text—everything has been vaporized, and no mana flux emanates from it. Frustrated and panicked, the grimoire tries to find a quick solution to resolve this mystery. First, it attempts to detect mana to see if something could help, but to no avail. After some reflection, it realizes it has the power to reverse curses. Even though the grimoire’s text is empty, it can still be used through thought to restore the ink in the grimoires. It tries this and succeeds in restoring the text of the speaking grimoire, which allows it to speak audibly with the mana flux it recovers.

Now able to speak, the grimoire heads to the nearby town to try to find Noemm. Once in town, the grimoire talks to humans it encounters to determine if a master mage is nearby. One passerby, confused by the sight of a talking, flying grimoire, mentions that there is one not far from the inn. The grimoire then heads to a slightly dilapidated house, from which Noemm emerges at the same moment. “Oh my gods, my grimoire, I was looking for you everywhere!”

The grimoire responds to Noemm, leaving her confused. “No time to explain, how do I use you?” asks Noemm, understanding that the grimoire has only a little time left before its consciousness disappears.

The grimoire gives Noemm the instructions, and she quickly rushes to confront the ruler who arrives at the same moment with his army.

Heyo here, I’m officially starting this diary with a little #StoryTime!

So, basically, I had 2 problems that involved 2 different companies. And so since I found it kinda funny how opposed these support was, I felt like I need to write something about it. (Yeah It’s not the most interesting story to start a blog but whatever.)

Google’s Support: The fast, nice, and warming one.

Let’s go with the good one first: Google.

I’m a big Google addict, for real, this article is written on a chromebook, just to say how deep am I into it. And with this story, I’m feeling more into it.

My problem basically was that I have power-washed (aka factory reset) my Chromebook and since then, Youtube’s (and YT Music’s) offline feature wouldn’t work since I reached the device limit that Youtube premium has. (Because, Yeah, YT premium has a 10 device limit)

So I just started a chat discussion with the support. 10 minutes later, my issue was fixed and a night later, my problem was gone.

The support took a lot of care about me, asking about my name, if the mail was correct, was funny, nice, felt like a human and not Gemini behind hidden.

Now let’s go talk about the bad one.

Amazon: Late and don’t care.

I don’t have screens for this one in English because, well, I’m French, and so I did this one in French.

But long story short: I bought something on Amazon with prime, the delivery was late, I didn’t have any news for days.

So I asked Amazon where is my thing than I’ve ordered than I should have it 4 days ago. I precisely asked for information. On the page, Amazon said that the delivery was postponed to the 4th and that if it wasn’t the case, I could be able to refund. (than I did)

Here’s the translated response:

“I’ve done some verification, and your purchase is on the road and will be delivered the 4th.”

“About the delay, once the delivery will be marked as done, you can ask about a little commercial gesture as a compensation.”

“I’ll speak at my hierarcy about this incident to avoid than these types of accident will stop and to assure the good reception of your delivery.”

So, he just told me information than I already have, to take another support once I’m done for maybe ask for a commercial gesture and “yeah I’ll speak to Jeff about that, don’t worry, it will be fixed” without providing me like WHERE is the thing I bought nor HOW did the thing you promised me than it will be delivered in the next 24h with prime have a 5 days delay???

I don’t have many problems with Amazon, this was one of the 1st time that I was dealing with an issue like this. But I took this as just a “fuck off, I read what I see on your profile and hecc u for having some infos”.

At this point, I don’t know if it was a real human I had in front of me.


So yeah, Google won here. Idk if this story time was interesting, but at least it existed. Also, fuck you amazon, I’ll not ask your robot chat assistant for a compensation, because like, you already SHOULD give me one, jeez.

Hi, and welcome to my diary!

Well, I don’t know what I’m writing, but I need at least one post to like share publicly this website to the world.

There’s an about me on this website for learning a bit about myself and what I’ll do in this diary.

Anyway, I really don’t know what to say so I’ll put one of 2 gifs of anime girls for the fanservice and see ya soon!

Eating Sushi Roll GIF

Senran Kagura Yumi GIF

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